4th Job Shadowing

In September 2019 the 5th Job Shadowing took place in Łódź (Poland) two volunteers
from Centro Urbes (Peru) and THE FOOLS (Brazil) experienced the sustainable
projects, activities and local/regional partners of Europejska Fundacja Rozwoju

The timetable has started with a great presentation and walk around the city of Łódź and
its green points and sustainable projects: the first field visit was indeed at SkyHUB, a
non-commercial space combining coworking functions with complementary consulting
services, a series of workshops spaces, opportunities for lectures and events.

In the days coming, participants and Organizers aimed at creating a unique, creative and
sustainable experience thank to which interaction with green industries and sustainable
businesses and Organisations were met: Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania-Łódź
has been a key player to make visit composting techniques; facilities at the biggest
Parks of the city were shown and the related technology available for citizens; ABC
Solar Systems could present how does it work a company dealing with monitoring,
maintenance and processing data related to solar energy and its distribution.
We could also meet our local and regional Stakeholders: Główny punkt informacyjny
Funduszy Europejskich presented the opportunities of development offered at regional
level for green enterprises and youth; both the University of Łódź and the Technical
University of Łódź offered a clear set of examples of sustainable projects and
possibilities of educational chances and research for students; Bionanopark has shown
its activities, projects and businesses and how they contribute to the development of
sustainability and technology.
Also, Co: Spot was a truly inspiring example of a building totally renovated and offered
on 2 floors to businesses of any type which can be part of this co-shared place.
We closed the experience with a traditional dinner out at the Jewish community and
enjoying the incredible view of the Light Move Festival 2019.
They had an intensive Job Shadowing, full of inspirational moments and sustainable
practices which we hope they will take an example from for making them real in their

“Once again, it was incredible to see how technological but eco-friendly this place is,
and how fantastic the EU fundings are. It proves that there is a big concern about
the environment going on, and Łódź is a great example.” – Henrique, Brazil

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