2nd Job Shadowing
In June 2019 the 2nd Job Shadowing took place in Valencia and Castelló de la Ribera,
Spain: a volunteer from Global Unity, Mexico, could experience different activities,
initiatives and locations related to young people and sustainability that are working and
cooperating with Tabalá.
The Spanish Team took the Job Shadower to the city center of Valencia, where we
could visit the IVAJ (Youth Institute of Valencia), the Central Market of Valencia, the
Jardines del Real Greenhouse as well as the Botanical Garden of the University of
Valencia. We then had the opportunity to get to know La Mandragora, a space seeking
for veganism and proposing a diet free of animal abuse and exploitation; aftermath, the
Cabanyal Urban Garden has been introduced. It was a great opportunity immerse in our
commitment with different organizations and initiatives in Valencia.
Youth and Social Issues in our town, Castelló de la Ribera was following the first step
in Valencia. Indeed, we visited the City Council, where we could explain deeply the
technical issues and Management of Tabalá.
After it, the Professional Education Institute of Agriculture was hosting us: here the
Mexican Shadower could have more contact with the local young people and have a
better understanding of the situation of the youth sector in Europe.
As a last topic, we touched agricultural and sustainable areas: we could show her an
ecological orange plantation in Alzira, which is a cooperative of local people we
cooperate with, and then the ecological plantation in Xátiva, where they apply eco-
friendly ways of growing fruits and vegetables.
It has been an achievement to develop the Job Shadowing and get involved in our local
activities, and we are sure that Erasmus+ had a great impact on the participant.
“Fruits and vegetables are being cultivated in a land where the crop is rotated,
processes of oxygenation of the soil are carried and it is fed with nitrogen”. – Paulina –